screenshot of the opening of the home inspection report

Are you about to buy a house on Long Island but feeling overwhelmed by the home inspection process? Not sure what all those complicated terms mean or how to make sense of it all? It may be overwhelming, but a home inspection should not be skipped.

Don’t worry – New Home Inspectors are here for you. Coming from 35 years of experience on Long Island, we know exactly how important it is for our clients to understand their home inspections.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the basics so that reading a home inspection report becomes something easy and stress-free!

1. Start with the summary

A report by New Home Inspectors starts with a general summary. This summary explains what was inspected, any major findings, and our opinion of the condition of the home. It’s a great place to get an overview of the inspection report before diving into more details.

Basically, the summary highlights areas of concerned based on our years of experience.

2. Utilize the Index

On the side of the report, you’ll find an index. This index is a great way to navigate your report quickly and easily. For instance, you can quickly jump to the roofing section to find specific details on the state of the roof. Each section contains information about a different part of the home and includes details like any problems that were found, along with pictures or other visual evidence of those issues.

3. Read the Entire Report

Once you’ve gone through the summary of the report and taken a look at the index, it’s time to start reading. Make sure to read all the way through the document, taking note of any details mentioned in your report. Furthermore, every notation is meant to be read by our clients. The notes contain our findings as well as recommendations of how to use the report in the future.

4. Prioritize the Issues

All homes will have issues. Some are big issues that can cause the home to fail the inspection, while some are minor. You’ll need to prioritize these issues and decide which ones you’re willing to accept, repair on your own, or ask the seller to fix.

At this point, you may want to consult with your home inspector and your real estate agent to come up with an action plan.

5. Ask Questions

Don’t be afraid to ask us questions about the report or for further clarification. We want you to understand what you’re reading and, more importantly, make an informed decision on your home purchase. If there’s something that doesn’t make sense or you’d like to follow up on a particular issue, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Reading a home inspection report doesn’t have to be intimidating! With New Home Inspectors on your side, you can feel confident understanding the condition of your potential new home. Give us a call today and let’s get started!